Radio France interview with the president of the R.E.A.D.C. Marin Bleidner - establishment of LLARA
Radio France interview with the president of the R.E.A.D.C. Marin Bleidner on the need to set up the Romanian law firm L.L.A.R.A. (Lab Law Animal Rights Association) for the protection of animals.
It will aim to provide legal assistance to animal protection O.N.G.s, activists, but also to animal owners in conflict with the authorities.
The purpose of the office is to ensure that all citizens have access to the laws that apply to them and their pets, and that must be respected by the authorities.
Another major goal of the L.L.A.R.A. is the mediation of the collaboration between the animal protection associations and the local authorities, in order to reduce the abandonment, the application of the sanitary veterinary obligations signed by Romania upon the accession to the U.E. and combating the fictitious payout paid by taxpayers.
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