Monitorizarea si Protectia Animalelor
Tierschutz Verein
Published: 04.06.2016
To Turda City Hall, in attention to Stefania Tudor Lord Mayor, Deputy Lord Lucian Nemes, Local Councillors: Hereby we, Association R.E.A.D.C. Turda by out partners TASSO e.V. Germany, note that under the provisions of Article 2, subparagraph e of GEO. 26/2000 for the establishment of associations and foundations, have repeatedly proposed a collaboration to Turda city citizens.
You, as mayor, you had the obligation to the citizens who have chosen to make them known to our proposal.
So you've strayed from Article 31 of the Constitution, which states:
Article 31. Right to information
(1) A person's right to have access to any information of public interest can not be restricted.
(2) public authorities, according to their competence, are obliged to provide correct information to citizens in public affairs and matters of personal interest.
(3) The right to information shall not be prejudicial to the protection of young people or national security.
(4) The means of mass communication, public and private, are obliged to provide correct information to the public.
Moreover, no local councilors were not informed of this proposal for collaboration, your refusal to create a partnership with our association is unjustified and lacking a legal basis.
We R.E.A.D.C., as I have proposed, promote animal welfare through education, registration, monitoring and avoiding permanent abandonment respecting legislation.
According to the Order A.N.S.V.S.A. no. 1/2014, rabies vaccination and microchipping requirement is subject to castration, although priority should be the health and safety of the canine population, and thus the health of citizens.
Have you strayed from article 34 paragraph 1 and 2 of the Constitution:
Article 34. Right to health care
(1) The right to health is guaranteed.
(2) The State shall take measures to ensure public hygiene and health.
Because many owners can not afford to pay implementing microchip the dogs remain unvaccinated against rabies, and those set free or abandoned may come into contact with rabies, which would endanger public health.
We note that in the city of Turda, the number of citizens who fall into the disadvantaged category is 4200, these people benefiting from food aid coming from the EU, the corresponding figure of 2015. So the wealth of the majority of the population is poor and they don ' and afford to bear the costs of the action and microchipping of dogs, which increases the number of stray dogs as a result of the massive drop.
As pointed out Deputy Mayor Lucian Nemes, Local Community Turda, expect a voice in the local administration, which can be heard on this issue.
Have you strayed from the provisions of Article 7 (9) of Law no. 52/2003 on decisional transparency in public administration, which states: "This public authority is obliged to decide on a meeting in which public debate to draft legislation if this has been asked scored by a legally constituted association or by another public authority. "
So, Mr. Tudor Stefanie, in his capacity as mayor of Turda, have the obligation, according to that Article, organize a public debate, as the proposal of our association means a free act and that was in the direct interest of citizens, ensuring safety and public health by conducting registration, microchipping and, as such, the mandatory rabies vaccine.
We call on the Law no. 52/2003, for the purposes of informing people about this issue and debate it in public session of the City Council Turda, something you have not done.
Collaboration with R.E.A.D.C. led to financial savings radical example is City Hall Campia Turzii, who understood the advantages offered by our proposal, open application system being successful European partners borrowed TASSO e.V. in Germany in November, 2013.
In this city, all dogs are microchipped and registered, reducing dramatically dropping from 0.6% in 2013 compared to 2012. Specifically, each dog was implanted a microchip was placed on each wafer reflective collar our phone number containing plant recovery animals and a unique reflective wafer, the owner of each dog received a card with your dog and owner. Furthermore, citizens who were unable to maintain their announced the surrender of the dog shelter.
Thanks to this cooperation, câmpia turzii number of people bitten by dogs fell to 0 (zero) to Turda, where in 2015, at the Municipal Hospital - Department of Infectious Diseases, the number of patients bitten was 137 and patients treated 62 .
Not describe the impossibility of recovery unregistered dogs, which brings additional costs municipality, animal suffering and distress owners.
Remember the mortal danger of infection with rabies.
In our opinion, the practice has proved that the methods practiced by local authorities, capture and euthanasia does not solve the problem of stray dogs. Ultimately, the goal is common, namely reducing early, suffering animals, but also a considerable reduction of costs allocated from the budget to solve this problem, simply helping pet owners in the municipality.
Have you strayed from the Law no. 215 / 2001privind local government,
Art. 68 (1) The mayor performs the following main (exhaustive list):
a) ensure that the rights and freedoms of citizens, the Constitution and the implementation of laws, decrees of the President of Romania, Government decisions and ordinances; and supports the necessary measures to implement the orders and instructions of normative character of the ministers and other heads of the Entre publicec administration and the County Council decisions;
b) ensure the fulfillment of decisions of the City Council. If it considers that a decision is illegal within 3 days after it notifies the prefect adoption;
c) may propose to the City Council public consultation by referendum on issues of special local interest. Based on the judgment of the City Council take steps to organize such consultation, under the law;
d) presents the City Council annually or whenever necessary information, regarding the economic and social development of the municipality or city, in accordance with the powers conferred to local authorities, as well as information on how to bring out the resolutions Local Council;
h) take measures to prevent and imitation consequences of calamities, disasters, fires, epidemics or disease outbreaks with specialized state bodies. For this purpose can mobilize the population,
n) take measures to prevent and combat the dangers caused by animals, under the law;
R.E.A.D.C. wanted, by its proposal, microchipping, the monitoring and vaccination of the canine population with owners throughout Turda, thus offering aid to the citisens.
Because our intention was not analyzed with more sense of responsibility towards this issue, taking into account the legal framework of partnership between public authorities and legal persons of private non-profit organizations, the role of this letter is a letter prior to the start of proceedings against abusive legal way of managing this serious situation.
With thanks and consideration,
Yulia Iozsa - Manager R.E.A.D.C.