Monitorizarea si Protectia Animalelor
Tierschutz Verein
Association "Registrul Electronic al Animalelor Domestice și de Companie"
Turda, Alley Plopilor no. 3, ap. 56, jud. Cluj
Tel: 0771123519
E-mai: info@readc.ro
supported by associations collaborating
brought this
With this letter, we wish to draw your attention to the abuses created by Order no. 1/2014 of the National Agency for Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Authority (A.N.S.V.S.A.) to approve rules on identification and registration of stray dogs and Law 258/2013 Article 13 / paragraph 4, which assigns away dogs Register (RECs). It was awarded the College of Veterinarians (CMV), which established illegally, enrollment fees not covered by the law. In fact, we want to emphasize the unenforceability registration procedures, since the legal provisions mentioned above provide microchipping in private labor negotiations between the veterinarian and pet owner. In this respect, we want to point out that because of the level of poverty which is 80% of dog owners in Romania, they are not willing to allocate such amounts to the animal from the property. As a result of this situation, we are near "Attempt on Public Health" since getting rabies vaccine, which is free, was subject to the payment of these fees.
Association R.E.A.D.C. Turda sued the National Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Authority (A.N.S.V.S.A.) and Veterinarians (C.M.V.), and requested the annulment of several articles of Order no. 1 of 01/07/2014, which regulates the rules on identification and registration of stray dogs.
The unfairness of legislative provisions and group interests endangered the health of citizens and animals in the period 2014-2015, in which over 80% of real canine population in Romania was not vaccinated against rabies, respecting the rules of accession to the European. As proof, Ares essay 2015-3061492-21 / 07/2015 of DG (SANTE) 2015-7623-MR audit in Romania, says clearly: "... In 2014-2015 were vaccinated only a small percentage of dogs known increasing the risk of a higher incidence of rabies .... "" ... analysis of efficacy and progress in eradicating rabies is superficial and inadequate ... ".
Since publication of Order no. 1/2014, our association, together with other associations and citizens, sent complaints regarding this issue both to the Prime Minister, Mr Victor Viorel Ponta and by the National Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety, both institutions being directly responsible for public health.
Although these cases were officially registered with the authorities, response was far from being proven professional competence. For example, in the petition no. 15D / 18 / 9-9.01.2015, the Prime Minister told us that was redirected towards solving to ANSVSA, exactly who drafted the order that institution abusive, interest group, rather seize control body subordinate powers as provided in his office, given the seriousness and danger of the actual situation.
Recall this year, 2016 points of the petition filed and recorded in 2014, the failure to warn about the action of anti-rabies vaccination of stray dogs.
Rabies vaccination is required by Article 15, item 1 / D of the Decision 2013/722 / EC.
Below we will describe the situation.
Action preventing rabies vaccination by making payment of application fee, microchipping is an attack on public health in Romania.
It is increasingly evident that the establishment of registries away dogs (RECs), which is nothing other than a database, by Law 258/2013 Article 13 / paragraph 4, it does not set a fee to enrollment animal RECs and charged for enrollment, enrollment is inconsistent with mandatory ANSVSA database, which is free. Although veterinarians are required to register animals in both databases, taxation is applied improperly.
We believe that a hierarchy of importance of actions in this case, is entirely directed toward abusive and material gain, by imposing these taxes, conditioning performing free vaccine, which is left in last place. In fact, rabies vaccination of dogs should be considered by authorities as the most important in this hierarchy, as is proved in Romania rabies still exists, and here, according to the minister of health, vaccination rate of children is under 70%.
We emphasize that vaccination medical and technical operation is similar to microchipping, that both are made by subcutaneous injection. The Order provides that: "... Only dogs that have been previously identified and registered will be vaccinated against rabies ...", just as microchipping as part of the registration should be made by imposing a tax on labor.
The second part (but most important) of the entire operation, rabies vaccine dose / serum and labor, compulsory performed by all doctors dealers, is supported by the state to the amount established and enforced, about 3 + 7 = 10 lei.
The Order provides that the registration, which involves injecting electronic chip (transponder), adding tax entry in RECs can be made only in the private sector, free to negotiate the price per transponder, plus the injection thereof, plus the fee in recs and thus reach a final price negotiated between 50 and 120 lei!
Following the implementation of these laws as presented, we consider that the action of conditioning the right to obtain a free, in this case, rabies vaccination, payment of a fee to another service, is unconstitutional, violating citizens' right to health.
Prime Minister, Ministry of Agriculture, ANSVSA and CMV did not comply with Article 31/2 of the Constitution regarding required disclosure to consumers of three actions: "... (2) public authorities, according to their competence, are obliged to ensure correct information to citizens in public affairs and matters of personal interest ... "
In conclusion, owners of dogs that can not afford to pay for the implantation of the microchip and registration, may not benefit any vaccine free and compulsory for their dogs, being subject is a form of blackmail where if you want to get the vaccine for free you must pay these amounts. Free vaccine is worth mentioning that all public money, in order to encourage rabies vaccination as part of public health action.
"Money before public health" can be called this national action.
Mr. Deputy Liviu Harbuz coordinated, in terms of political development of the law that awarded abused this register to CMV, just under its authority as first vice-president, taking practically next ANSVSA holding mandatory vaccination records to the Department of Animal Health - Monitoring and notification Service Diseases.
A.N.S.V.S.A. does not, however, access to the Brief of dogs with Master (R.E.C.S.) established personal interest, by Mr. MP Liviu Harbuz and run C.M.V.
This emerged clearly from responses to the following questions [1]
1. How many stray dogs were vaccinated against rabies until February 28, 2015?
2. How many dogs were microchipped and registered until February 28, 2015?
3. How many dogs were switched in the microchip database (owned microchip) before the entry into force of the Order A.N.S.V.S.A. No.1 / 2014 dated 16.03.2014?
[1] Questions by petition Nr. 7495/9/04/2015 registered A.N.S.V.S.A.
Ms Alina Monea, head of the Communications A.N.S.V.S.A. counsel informed us that: "Regarding your request for information in paragraphs 2 and 3, we know that it has been forwarded to the College of Veterinarians of Romania, by letter no. 7495 / 04.29.2015."
The national register is held by a professional association with obscure interests and lack of transparency demonstrated by way of response to Dr. evidence. Viorel Andronie, President of the College of Veterinarians, which we will play in the following:
Please find below a reply to your request, registered to the Board of the National Council of the College of Veterinarians no. 10502 / 09.04.2015. We communicate the following:
Veterinarians is a professional, autonomous and non-governmental, as stipulated in art. 8 of Law no. 160/1998 on the organization and practice of veterinary profession, republished with subsequent amendments.
In this context, Veterinarians is not part of public institutions and public authorities which are applicable provisions of Law no. 544/2001 on free access to information of public interest and public information held or offered by the College of Veterinarians' non- and not resulting from a public authority or public institution "as defined.".
This response C.M.V. shows non-transparent attitude towards citizens taxpayers in R.E.C.S. and taxes to the state.
Liviu Harbuz held and holds functions that can conflict of interest, which questions the integrity.
Official coordinating the formation of Law 258 of 26 September 2013 and the Order A.N.S.V.S.A. 1/2014 (Law dedicated to their interests).
State councilor working apparatus of the Prime Minister, influencing the award of registries away dogs, an organization led indirectly to his rule and groups close to him,
As a former president of A.N.S.V.S.A. and C.M.V. with close people placed in positions at these institutions, direct participants in the bankruptcy system of identification and registration of animals SNIA paid from EU funds
C.M.V. currently first deputy, deputy in the Romanian Parliament and member of the Committee on Agriculture, Forestry, Food Industry.
Another function of Liviu Harbuz is the deciding factor in the management and control R.E.C.S. as a leading member C.M.V., law on which it was awarded by the mentioned law.
We want to highlight an important aspect, that was NOT put on public auction outsourcing for RECs, tender that would have led to the cheapest offer of registration, search services and international, telephone Recovery 24/24 and additional supply from the current minimum paid at registration recs
Within A.N.S.V.S.A. was founded Animal Police, having, among other things, the task to monitor the work of NGOs who observed irregularities and abusive stipulations, with the ultimate aim and a positive image of Mr. Liviu Harbuz in international relations, which is necessary to obtain according to a European Federation of Veterinarians (FVE) for wishing to apply.
Animal Police, which is paid from the budget A.N.S.V.S.A. is not even equipped with a means of transport to carry out controls in the country and has not applied enough sanctions in this area, although many abuses have been reported in animals.
We ask the competent bodies to take action because the Competition Council's response explains that the field does not belong to her. (Answer - READC.ro, no. Output RG2074 / 07.04.2015)
Order A.N.S.V.S.A. no. 1/2014, art. 9-6: "In the case of serious complaint concerning the functioning and operation R.E.C.S., C.M.V. referral is required A.N.S.V.S.A."
In this formula is impossible transparent and democratic control.
Another position of Mr. Liviu Harbuz decision, which conflicts with that of Member, is the position held by expert in C.M.V. to access an abusive and bad loan, guaranteeing future possibly with contributions from members of the college from reliable sources. In this case, requesting public information, I was refused.
Mr Liviu Harbuz media posture of "fighter" for the members C.M.V. represents a small percentage of veterinarians, namely those who are in urban areas, with pharmacy and offices placed under the control gentleman, but not for other physicians who live in rural areas, dealerships with 85% of dogs, and they have huge losses, even bankruptcy.
Doctors dealers in the territory of the state labor cashing rabies vaccination approx. 2 euros, a canine population of 3,000,000 copies between 2014 and 2015 were losses of about 12 million euros.
Veterinarians are afraid to lodge complaints or request formation of ethics committees at C.M.V. to not be sanctioned, and elimination of the College means the inability to be able to vaccinate and microchip. On the other hand, enrollment in R.E.C.S. It is conditional (a little blackmail) to membership in C.M.V. Enrollment must be paid, so R.E.C.S. founder, Mr. Liviu Harbuz and leadership C.M.V. straight wins without thinking of the enormous losses of those who can not carry rabies vaccine for various reasons.
Recently have taken action to register, microchipping and vaccination money municipalities "sympathetic", ie who are the primary people close to the group interests of Mr. Liviu Harbuz, so budget taxpayers reallocated, just to cover the loan non-performing contracted association (CMV).
Mismanagement of funds, premeditated, leading to the bankruptcy of an organization or group self-interest, self-suspension entire leadership or be dismissed in any civilized country.
Following allegations made with regard to these laws chaotic adopted dedication to the interest group, I received the following response [2]: "(...) until 02.28.2015 have been identified and registered, and therefore vaccinated against rabies, 1,028,035 dogs only (...) "
[2] The answer ANSVSA Nr. 7495 / 04.09.2015, signed by dr. Alina Monea, Tasso Association sent e.V. from Germany.
This represents a rate of 29.45% out of a population of 3,490,695 canine dogs vaccinated in 2013, and not the entire canine population of the country.
Director General of the answer A.N.S.V.S.A. Our petition no. 18428 / 30.12.2014, registered in D.G.S.V. number 5325 / 12.30.2014, informs us thus: 'The opportunity to extend the deadline of 1 January 2015 taking into account the number of stray dogs in rural areas (3,800,000) and average registration of dogs in April - October 2014 (22-23000 dogs per month), this would have a negative impact on vaccination against rabies. "
A simple calculation shows that in rural areas are 5.2 million dogs and households in urban areas with up to 1,000,000 dogs. http://www.fes.ro/).">(A.N.S.V.S.A. says Friedrich Ebert Stiftung institution to the actual figure of approx. 5.2 million dogs in rural areas - Chapter 3, page 9 - http://www.fes.ro/). And a number of cca.7,5 iregistrate million households in the country, the figure is real.
At the current rate of enrollment (for 23-25000 monthly) stated above, Romania needs 12 years to vaccinate the entire canine population of about 6 million, of course, the absurd, and not taking into account that 20,000 are for export! !
In our view, 12 years is a huge period in which the performance of partial national rabies vaccine is an attempt to animal and public health, which is why we consider Law 258/2013, as unconstitutional and we attacked a contentious - administrative.
We notice this may result in the European Commission's intervention under Article 168 (Public health) and Article 13 (protection of animals) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, EU regulations: no. 652/2014 and no. 2008/34 EG - No. 882 / 2004EG etc. steps you've initiated by lawyers and parliamentarians from the EU.
Other provisions have been studied and taught by Mr. Vytenis Andriukaitis MEP Stefan Eck, Commissioner General Directorate for Health and Food Safety, and other individuals and institutions with responsibilities in the area will be notified.
Articles 9-36 and 37 of E.A.G.F. (European Agricultural Guarantee Fund) provide financial control of EU programs and Annex to the Commission Decision 2008/341 / EC, Article 7 clearly states the calculation of cost-effectiveness as mandatory factor to consider.
The Regional Operational Programme has allocated 3.7 million euros and through the Cohesion Policy 2007-2013 EU has been allocated about 20 billion euros (Commission answer to parlamentary question - E-005 291/2011) for agriculture, which includes health and animal welfare. (2012/761 EU - EU commission's decision).
According to statistics, it was received in 2014 the sum of 5.5 million euros to combat rabies. (EU Commission validated 10-year Programme of Monitoring, Control and Eradication of Rabies in Several Countries.)
In Romania, the dog is the only support, protector and guardian absolutely irreplaceable in all rural households in most courts, is not considered a luxury pet as misinforming reports. The dog is a necessity for the safety of peasant farming.
These descriptions have two hypotheses:
a. it gave a false statement on the maximum number of animals! It is possible that they have been declared a higher number to maximize or justify subsidies and money consumed by the state budget and from the European Community over the years.
b. The false statement which shows the number of records in order to obtain excessive percentage of 30% of dogs vaccinated in 2015 reported only the number of 3.4 million vaccinated in 2013, the total number of about 6,000. 000.
Both versions show the status of bankrupt this hybrid system imposed by the State in the private sector, the capitalist system of collecting, free practice without competition.
The authorities' attitude
Our proposal to extend the period of registration has been refused on the grounds that the country requires that the deadline for registering dogs with master 1 January 2015. However, when it was in the interest of people at the head of institutions in the field, contrary to legal provisions, extended the abusive registration deadline canine population until February 28, 2015.
In another stage, we can only classify as an attempt to manipulate the citizens, held in Iasi, on 3-7 June 2015, a meeting at which they were invited veterinarians and associations approved in the European Union.
The meeting in Iasi had a ridiculous title: Street Dogs - Present and Future.
Everything was handling media and political advertising because, according to Law. 258 in 2013 and O.G. 155/2001, dogs captured binding on the streets and not adopted within 14 days, will be euthanized.
The meeting was not intended to protect public health or the animals but to protect the interests of a group of people at the top, while the rest contributing members of C.M.V. pay interest on a bad loan of approx. 1 million euro (say gossips) credit access for training R.E.C.S. Of course, to be added to the loan and interest payments in recent years, leading to abuse of office and other articles of the Criminal Code.
We launch a request to the competent authorities in the European Community, the OLAF funds allocated, while in Romania, the competent authorities to initiate an investigation into the financial activities of these "entities" (ANSVSA, CMV, RECs), suspicious or illegal activities, at least unfair to the detriment of citizens and contributors to its members.
We note that the national interest is ongoing, and the source of funding, not transparent, according to the reply C.M.V. shown above, we see great reasonable doubt because the payment obligation R.E.C.S. of all owners of dogs, setting the price on its own registration, maintenance and R.E.C.S. acquisition, and financial management.
Another abuse
Art. 132 of O.U.G. no. 155/2001 can be classified only as an abuse of authority against citizens "is compulsory sterilization of stray dogs or belonging to common breed, their half-breeds, except specimens special regime provided for in the rules for the application of this emergency ordinance . "
I mean, as a dog owner does not want the animal castration, but are obliged by law to sterilize! I feel discriminated against by this legal provision. Excessive fines, approx. € 1,000 imposed by law, are meant to blackmail the owners of animals and lead to abandoning animals, which produce another business.
Catching dogs in the field and throw another community, then catching them several times for $ 150 lei / dog is a technique laundering of funds allocated to local communities on the principle of party affiliation or personal the friendship. This autumn we will present more details about this area.
Another indirect business C.M.V. and A.N.S.V.S.A. initiated by leadership, is the national distribution of transponders (microchip).
The distribution of transponders (CIP) and country code (642 0 936xxxxxxxx) is not mandatory in the EU (642-EN) and Order 1-2014 of ANSVSA on the technical requirements of transponder makes clear that the producer commencing figure 9XX must ensure the uniqueness of the code, ie all figures 9XX factory manufacturer code, followed by animal code xxxxxxxx. !! Guaranteeing the uniqueness of the code, there can be no other animal with the same code numbers. Written in ANSVSA Order 1/2014 Annex 1-b.
Country code 642 was meant to compel doctors to buy more expensive retailers accept and authorized as part of the group, thus reaching much higher prices than if it were produced in Romania, where it can be checked full and safe production even guarantee hundreds of jobs and safety Roman numbers assigned by the producer, but production in the country requires long-term safety of investors and partners decent without provisions or parallel systems.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XoxtpotqhJA), o astfel de acțiune se poate derula la nivel național, dacă există voință politică în România.">Taking the example of the town of Campia Turzii (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XoxtpotqhJA), such action can take place at national level, if there is political will in Romania. Animal Protection Association and R.E.A.D.C urban cohabitation, and has provided services and support in recent years, but was denied in favor of an expensive and bankrupt. We note that Mr. Liviu Harbuz received about this offer now. 7 years in Brasov, in front of several witnesses, from the Association TASSO e.V. Germany, in the presence of BMT Germany offer which was refused.
Meetings on this subject can be confirmed by animal welfare organizations and Ms Petra Zipp, president of the Association BMT Germany, they have informed Mr. L. Harbuz at various meetings and invited him as a partner in 2008 in Munich.
Illegality achieve R.E.C.S. It was informed by Mr. Codrut Feher, member of the Association Against Abuse, Brasov, invited to training consultation Law 258/2013, which warned him directly at the hearing about the obligation A.N.S.V.S.A. to hold this record of vaccines, or any public tender to provide the best services to citizens.
The scientific paper shows that gentleman about monitoring the animals knew the ways of achieving these systems correctly. SNIIA failure of EU funds witnessed, or R.E.C.S. payments current pensioners are poor and can not accept that implementing technical mistake, but the diversion of operating principles, deviation from ethics in veterinary medicine, conflict of interest, negligence or abuse.
The problem dogs and stray is a business, and the authorities have no interest to stop as long as those who do have material benefits enormous, both in funds from the budget and from EU funds, without looking and enormous political capital before the election.
By refusing to answer our petitions to collaborate with an efficient system in the interest of citizens, not respected O.G. 26/2000 on associations and foundations, Article 2-c-e- "This ordinance aims to create the framework for partenieriat between authorities and private legal persons, non-profit, to achieve an interest."
Our proposal has READC.ro and partners Tasso e.V. Germany, after the 32 years of experience and having developed the largest system of permanent monitoring and free Europe is as follows:
1. Public health and safety of citizens should be a priority over any other action imposed by the authorities!
2. Similar actions and maneuvers (microchipping versus vaccination) should be set similar prices imposed by the State.
3. Abolition of animal registration with payment and recording in R.E.C.S. that our association does not recognize as legal once it has been created under a law unfair, given that obligation A.N.S.V.S.A. to hold the register of public shelters and records of all animals vaccinated against rabies at Animal Health Division - the Monitoring and Notification Diseases, for reporting to the International Organization for Animal Health (OIE / EU.)
4. A.N.S.V.S.A. One National Register to manage this and all veterinarians and NGOs have the right to record, personal code, and to submit / update directly 24/24 telephone / online / fax / SMS, data in this modern and permanent access and recovery and direct information on the ground, by telephone, providing address and name of the owners, not the animals are caught and taken to shelters. And charging excessive clamping paid by municipalities and collected money from the owner to claim, under Article 20/1 1/2014 ORDER -ANSVSA, unfair.
5. Connect Register A.N.S.V.S.A. existing Free International Monitoring System, together with global partners (whom we invite to Bucharest, if supported collaboration) to avoid illegalities and provide confidence massive adopters international, and therefore to avoid euthanasia and reducing the dog population in Romania. This single register enables monitoring of animals from birth to final adoption in the country or abroad.
6. Organize a public tender for selecting the best services for permanent monitoring of the animals and the possibility of 24/24 additional offers to citizens of Romania.
7. yard animals, the role of security and protection of assets that are held by masters with incomes below the national average, to be subsidized and records the minimum prices fixed, equal to mandatory rabies vaccination and nationally imposed after consideration regional joint between DSVSA, municipalities and NGOs.
8. According to EU-CAP Council Convention: Article 4: 14 signed by Romania, the Ministry of Education refused realization of national programs to inform citizens and educate pupils, this system is the cornerstone of preparedness in this area, the model offered Association READC Campia Turzii, the only city with all the canine population monitored 24/24, inventoried, microchip and vaccinated against rabies, reducing the drop to zero, and compulsory education to pupils with the support "ABC Education", which provides information needs responsibility with animals and the recovery by using the permanent center should be a normal gesture of every citizen avoiding huge costs generated by a rendering service. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XoxtpotqhJA) ">(Https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XoxtpotqhJA)
9. Accepting all internal and external factors in this project recording and monitoring A.N.S.V.S.A. coordinated program proposed no: 9101-15.05.2015 at the joint meeting A.N.S.V.S.A. - C.M.V.
10. EU environmental funds and associations in the country have access on an equitable basis, the number of animals taken or other programs going not after relations.
11. Transparency collaborative online civic official page National Forum Pet Monitoring and control rabies, under the guidance of the Ministry of Agriculture / A.N.S.V.S.A. the development of education in the field of animal protection, where absolutely all the participants and the amount allocated, accessed, and activities, to be presented individually, territorial, and updated quarterly.
By this we want to prove that the money allocated are sufficient but without transparency and joint involvement at national level, will be directed by the system.
In Romania, a country with high potential for the spread of rabies, data was managed compulsory A.N.S.V.S.A. - Animal Health Division - the Monitoring and Notification Diseases, and report annually to the Office International Organisation for Animal Health and the European Commission co-financing these programs [3]
[3] confirmed A.N.S.V.S.A. Appearance the answer A.N.S.V.S.A. no. 1033 / 02.25.2015.
We ask the competent bodies to take appropriate action after reading this letter!
Finally, as we have not received an answer to a number of petitions, we ask yourselves and ask for answers to these questions:
1) Who is responsible for damage caused doctors concessionaires, who could not receive payment on rabies vaccination compulsory?
2) What was done with the millions of doses of anti-rabies serum 2014 (or orders) that have not been used but were distributed in the territory, doses limited warranty. We publication of contracts, orders and payments for these materials.
3) How many million lei cost training R.E.C.S. and how the index was calculated cost / efficiency required registration if everything was approved legislation that we consider abusive: 258/2013-Art 13: 4.!
4) Who is liable C.M.V. these financial losses by crediting neperformanată?
5) Why not have self-those forced over two years, responsible, from the Ministry of Agriculture, A.N.S.V.S.A., paid from the national budget for these posts to protect public health and animal health?
Protection of animals without protection and owner's information is absurd.
Right animals without the right pet owners is cynicism.
Yours sincerely,
The management of "Registrul Electronic al Animalelor Domestice și de Companie" Turda