Monitorizarea si Protectia Animalelor
Tierschutz Verein
R.E.A.D.C. won another fight with the abuses of the sanitary-veterinary system.
In April of 2018, R.E.A.D.C. filed a lawsuit against the College of Veterinarians to annul the Decision no. 3 of 2009, which provided that "mobile clinics can only be used for intervention on stray animals".
Our intention was to acquire a mobile clinic, which represented social support for animals and citizens. In this respect, we also employed a veterinarian, but C.M.V. by Decision no. 3/2009 conditioned its use strictly on stray animals. But according to the law, there are no stray animals, because they belong to the UAT within the range of which they are, according to the legislation in force.
Another attempt of C.M.V. (a socio-professional association) to control free civil society and the activities of animal protection associations. The Decision obliges to form a partnership whereby the owner of the mobile clinic was to transfer half of the property law to a veterinarian of free practice, member of the College.
We compare this rule with the nationalization of the properties imposed by the bolshevik communists in Romania to control civil society.
Being aware of the illegality adopted and sensing the pressure of the lawsuit filed by R.E.A.D.C., the C.M.V. annulled the abusive articles of Decision no. 3/2019.
This way we announce all domestic and international organizations that they can be the owners of a mobile clinic and invite them to engage in sterilization programs, as they can contract veterinarians of free practice in actions to combat uncontrolled breeding of domestic carnivores.
We remind you that in January 2018, R.E.A.D.C. won a huge victory at the Constitutional Court, sentence no. 23/23.01.2018, which declaredthe provisions of art. 134 of the OUG 155/2001 as unconstitutional and, consequently, the rabies vaccine shall be carried out free of charge and compulsory, independently of the prior microchipping of animals.
We believe that any injury to the fight against communicable diseases from animal to human, through costs imposed on citizens as an additional payment in private, is unconstitutional. We will begin the legal proceedings imposed.
Corruption has functions, names and surnames.
We thank all those who have given us confidence and support in our long and difficult fight for animal welfare and the fight against abuse in the sanitary-veterinary system.
Animal right without the right of animal owners is cynicism!
R.E.A.D.C. Management