Monitorizarea si Protectia Animalelor
Tierschutz Verein
The Electronic Register of Domestic and Company Animals (R.E.A.D.C.)- Turda obtained yesterday, 23.01.2018, at The Constitutional Court of Romania a huge victory in favor of all owners of domestic carnivores (dogs and cats) from Romania.
Due to the fight that our association has been taken over years against the abuses in the sanitary-veterinary system, yesterday, The Constitutional Court, with a majority of votes admitted the exception of unconstitutionality and found that the phrase “only after their identification”, contained in art. 134 of The Government Emergency Ordinance no. 155/2001, by reference to the first sentence of this article, relating to “the anti-rabies vaccination of dogs with owner”, is unconstitutional.
The general right of Romanians to safety and public health has been put for years on a secondary level because of this legislation with dedication, which was conditioning the free and compulsory rabies vaccination, by the payment in private, and at the free negotiation of the microchipping, health card and paid registration in R.E.C.S.-C.M.V.
Therefore, dog owners that could not afford to pay for the microchip implantation, health book and registration, could not benefit from the free and compulsory vaccine for their dog, either.
The annual action of vaccination is deployed during October- February, and now, thanks to our victory, all citizens can benefit from free rabies vaccination for their animals, without being conditioned by additional costs’ payment.
The veterinarians of sanitary-veterinary constituency from each neighborhood, city, village, have the obligation to vaccine against rabies all dogs and cats free of charge and can register the animals in A.N.S.V.S.A. Registry- Vaccines and Diseases, which is free and mandatory and will be reported to O.I.E.
We mention that, by this verdict, the veterinarians can apply the rabies vaccine for free and can cash the workmanship’ equivalent paid from the budget, amounts which over 4 years have not been obtained, being a loss at the country level of about 84 million Euro.
The Romanian Constitutional Court understood the danger that was threatening the public health and animals’ well-being and took the right decision, returning the rights to the citizens.
We thank all those who supported us in our long and difficult fight against the corrupted structures and we ask your help once again, to multiply this decision in order to inform the citizens about their regained rights.
During all of these years we have been fighting for citizens’ rights and animals’ well-being and we will continue to do so with the same dedication from now on!
The Court’s decision is HERE.
The process can be watched below.