Monitorizarea si Protectia Animalelor
Tierschutz Verein
Veterinarians revolted because of the abuses from the Romanian system
On Monday, 26th of March 2018, the concessionaire veterinarians from all over the country will hold a meeting in Bucharest, in order to claim some legal issues, of everything that means the reward of the activities on the national strategic plan for public, animal and alimentary health, as well as for as well as raising awareness and alerting those who lead and coordinate these services in Romania.
The bicephalous leadership A.N.S.V.S.A.-C.M.V., the lack of strategy or support given to the concessionaire veterinarians, the prejudice brought to them or the loss from the rabies vaccination in the last 4 years, are some of the reasons why veterinarians have decided that such an initiative was needed.
As a result of the fight that our association has been taking over for years against the abuses in the Romanian sanitary- veterinary system, the Constitutional Court admitted on 23rd of January 2018 the exception of unconstitutionality of the Government’s Emergency Ordinance no. 155/2001 and decided that the rabies vaccination of domestic carnivores should no longer be conditional upon the prior microcipation of the animals.
We are wondering, who is going to bear the loss of millions for not having performed the rabies vaccination so far?
We are glad and we join this action as an organization for animal’s protection, because the veterinarians are the active part of the public and animals’ health protection, performing a free practice job, while the other employees of the state institutions have budgetary functions, with a passive and indolent position. The representative of our association, prof. dr..-cerc. I- Alexandru PAUL, will be present at these protests, in order to support the rights of 9 million owners of domestic animals from Romania.
We, the N.G.O.s are aware of the necessary collaboration between civil society and veterinarians, and we are eager to support them in all efforts and points claimed.