Monitorizarea si Protectia Animalelor
Tierschutz Verein
October 10, 2020 - World Dog Day
No other animal in the world has as many dedicated days as the dog. Without officially establishing, it has been shown in the media in the last 20 years that on October 10, World Dog Day will be celebrated.
A win for 9 millionowners of domestic carnivorous. The R.E.A.D.C Association sued the National Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Association (ANSVSA), an action by which it requested the cancellation of art. 2 lit. k and art. 9 paragraph 4 first thesis from the Annex of the ANSVSAOrder 1/2014, Order by which the Register of Records of Dogs with Owner (RECS) is assigned in the management of the Veterinarians College of Romania (CMV).
Conclusions of the meeting regarding the Legal Office
Following the meeting regarding the intention to set up the Legal Office, organized in Bucharest, by the Association of R.E.A.D.C in partnership with Tasso e.V, the following objectives were established
Conference of Animal and Environmental Protection Associations
R.E.A.D.C. together with various NGOs and activists for the protection of animals, the environment and civil rights, organizes on 09.11.2019, at 10.00 am, at the Trianon Hotel, Bucharest, the conference to open the Romanian Legal Office for the protection of animals and the environment.
"Door to door Romania", action of neutering dogs with owner, in the town of Bujoreni, Vâlcea County
"Door to door Romania", action of neutering dogs with owner, in the town of Bujoreni, Vâlcea County, an action started by the "Second Chance" Association, Vâlcea, in partnership with R.E.A.D.C. Romania and funded by Tasso e. V. Germany.
Animal lovers fined instead of the responsible authorities
Dear animal lovers, owners or aware citizens, please analyze this cry for help received on our address.
Prevention is cheaper than combating
On 08.05.2019, R.E.A.D.C. Turda held a press conference in the conference room of the Cultural Palace "IonelFloaşiu" CâmpiaTurzii, wherewe had as guests:DorinLojigan, mayor of CâmpiaTurzii, AlinIrimieş, representative of Câmpia Turzii City Hall, Philip McCreight, president of the Association Tasso e.V. Germany, CalinMărginean, the municipality's concessionaire veterinarian, and R.E.A.D.C. collaborator, prof. dr. Paul Alexandru.
Prevention is cheaper than combating
On 08.05.2019, R.E.A.D.C. Turda held a press conference in the conference room of the Cultural Palace "IonelFloaşiu" CâmpiaTurzii, wherewe had as guests:DorinLojigan, mayor of CâmpiaTurzii, AlinIrimieş, representative of Câmpia Turzii City Hall, Philip McCreight, president of the Association Tasso e.V. Germany, CalinMărginean, the municipality's concessionaire veterinarian, and R.E.A.D.C. collaborator, prof. dr. Paul Alexandru.
The fight for animal rights continues - Abuses made by the Local Council of Onesti
It’s been brought to our attention by Mrs. Lidia Zahiu, the president of Help Animals Association from Onesti, about an abuse committed by their local authorities, which is the reason why we were unable not to react and not to fight with all legal resources in order to stop such illegalities.
We fight against corruption and abuse in the veterinary health system
Dear animal lovers,
We would like to announce you that Liviu Harbuz, together with The College of Veterinarians has filed, in 2016, a lawsuit against our association (R.E.A.D.C. Turda) and association’s manager, Iulia Iozsa, for the denigrating and slanderous nature of allegations made by us in the public environment.
World Dog Day - October 10, 2018
The campaign for identification, microcipation and vaccination against rabies of domestic carnivores continues in the Danube Delta. Dear animal lovers, the annual campaign of identification, microcipation and vaccination against rabies of domestic carnivores in the Danube Delta, continues until February 2019, on the basis of the protocol signed in 2014 with the mayoralties of the localities in the area.
R.E.A.D.C. attacked a new abuse in the sanitary-veterinary system
On 06.09.2018, at 09.30, at the Court of Appeal Cluj will take place our Association`trial against the College of Veterinarians on the aberrantconditions they imposed for the registration of a mobile clinic used to castrateanimals with or without owners.
Open letter to Viorica Dancila
Considering that following the Constitutional Court` Decision, which decided that the rabies vaccination of domestic carnivores is no longer conditioned by the pre-microcipation of the animals, no remedial measures have yet been taken in this respect, R.E.A.D.C. has sent an open letter in this regard to Romanian Prime Minister Vasilica Viorica Dăncilă.
Veterinarians revolted because of the abuses from the Romanian system
On Monday, 26th of March 2018, the concessionaire veterinarians from all over the country will hold a meeting in Bucharest, in order to claim some legal issues, of everything that means the reward of the activities on the national strategic plan for public, animal and alimentary health, as well as for as well as raising awareness and alerting those who lead and coordinate these services in Romania.
Dear citizens, inhabitants of Campia Turzii, We would like to announce you that there are 2 more weeks in which your dogs can be vaccinated against rabies, during which you are asked to bring them to the concessionaire veterinarian office in order to get the vaccine (Str. Parcului, no. 7, opposite the Mechel canteen Veterinarian Dan Zmolea- 0743 770 764). |
THE RABIES BICEPHALOUS BUSINESS- “RABIES VACCINATED” BY THE CONSTITUTIONAL COURT’S MOTIVATION As you well know, our association has been supporting for many years the civil society against the premeditated abuses, in a group interest, in the A.N.S.V.S.A.-C.M.V. bicephalous system, which in addition to the national free reporting registry of vaccines to OIE/UE, invented R.E.C.S. Registry too (development of around 800 000 Euros, which in reality, at a transparent auction costs 20 000 Euros). The concessionaires were supposed to accept a loss of the unperformed vaccines workmanship from the last 4 years, of approx. 80 million Euros (to 5 million dogs and about 7 million cats), being the equivalent of an employee's salary per cabinet at country level. |
A new abuse in the detriment of domestic carnations owners on the Court of Appeal’s table
Monday, 5th of March 2018, our association, as complainant, invites you at the Court of Appeal Cluj, room 38, where it will take place the process against The National Sanitary-Veterinary and for Food Safety Authority regarding the wrong microchip (transponder) code structure.
The Electronic Register of Domestic and Company Animals (R.E.A.D.C.)- Turda obtained yesterday, 23.01.2018, at The Constitutional Court of Romania a huge victory in favor of all owners of domestic carnivores (dogs and cats) from Romania.
Harbuz - Attempt on public health
With this letter, we wish to draw your attention to the abuses created by Order no. 1/2014 of the National Agency for Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Authority (A.N.S.V.S.A.) to approve rules on identification and registration of dogs with owners and Law 258/2013 Article 13 / paragraph 4, which assigns Registrul Câinilor cu Stăpân (RECS). It was awarded to the College of Veterinarians (CMV), which illegally established, enrollment fees not covered by the law.
WITHOUT R.E.A.D.C’S INTERVENTION, THE RIGHT TO LIFE OF DOGS FROM TULCEA’S SHELTER WOULD HAVE ,,EXPIRED’’The Public Services, shelter owners, notified us that the dogs accommodation expired on 18.07.2017, when, according to the law, they would have been proposed for euthanasia. Obviously, we paid weeks of treatments for all dogs in the shelter and we will continue to bear the costs in accordance with the HCL no. 11/2017’s tariffs. |
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Luptam impotriva coruptiei si abuzurilor din sistemul sanitar-veterinar
Stimați iubitori de animale,
Dorim să vă anunțăm că Liviu Harbuz, împreună cu C.M.V., au înaintat, în anul 2016, un proces împotriva asociației noastre (R.E.A.D.C. Turda) și managerului asociației, Iulia Iozsa, pentru caracterul denigrator și calomnios al afirmațiilor lansate de către noi în mediul public.