Monitorizarea si Protectia Animalelor
Tierschutz Verein
"A drop of help does more than an ocean of sympathy"
Our association supports the citizens who can not afford to pay the amounts necessary for micro-chipping and registering their pets. We provide all these services for free, but if you want to support us financially, you can donate to our accounts.
The 2% system allows individual taxpayers to direct no extra cost 2% of income tax due to the state, to an NGO. It is a system by which citizens are able to decide what happens to some of the taxes paid.
For income from wages, complete Form 230 with your identification data.
Demand for the destination of representing up to 2% of annual tax on income from wages and salaries assimilated. Download Sourse ANAF |
Statement on revenues in Romania. Download Sourse ANAF |
Necessary data for Form completion. NGO name - Fundația Registrul Electronic al Animalelor Domestice și de Companie România NGO Tax Identification Code: CIF 29155666 Bank (IBAN): CONT IBAN RO42 RZBR 0000 0600 1457 2820 (RON) - Raiffeisen Bank |
The forms are submitted directly or sent by post to the Tax Administration recommended you belong, until the deadline for submission each year.
Submit the original at:
Careful! It must not be the amount to be transferred. It is automatically calculated as 2% of the tax due the state, according to Art. 84, para. 3 of the Tax Code "competent fiscal body is obliged to calculate, withhold and remit the amount of up to 2% of the tax."
If you are a company and you want to help us, you can redirect R.E.A.D.C. 20% of corporation tax.
The amount diverted can not be more than three per thousand of turnover and payments must be made by 31 December, for the amount to be deducted from income tax for the fiscal year.
Redirecting is simple. You just have to calculate the amount corresponding to the 20% company tax and then to conclude a sponsorship with us.