Monitorizarea si Protectia Animalelor
Tierschutz Verein
R.E.A.D.C. Association does not have enough time to answer to each one of you, due to the fact that our full attention is directed, at the moment, towards the free campaigns of microchipping and rabies vaccination that we run nationally, in the partner territories.
Thus, we shortly present, the R.E.A.D.C.S’ note, as an answer to the reactions, questions and concerns of many of you, regarding our last press release, “THE BLACKMAIL OF RABIES VACCINATION HAS ENDED!”.
Western Europe is a free rabies area after deploying some compulsory rabies vaccination programs, which lasted about 30 years and which in Romania are subsidized to “ANSVSA-DSBA- through Co-financed Veterinary Programs Service” see Point II.
the synthesis of the unconstitutionality sentence
…“the Court remembered that prevention and control of contagious diseases from human to human and also from animals to human are necessary, giving efficiency and constituting a guarantee of the art.34 compliance from the Constitution.”
“Under the circumstances of rabies being a contagious disease from animal to human that has death as effect of infection, the conditioning of vaccination by dog’s identification is likely to prejudice art.34 regarding the right to health protection from Constitution, in terms of prevention measures that the state has to adopt.”
“In this regard, according to art. 1 from The Government Ordinance no. 42/2004 concerning the organization of sanitary- veterinary activity and for food safety, the prevention of disease transmission from animal to human represents a state problem and a duty for all the inhabitants of the country.”
We want to mention that this conditioning of free rabies vaccination by paid services, was also planned by the president of the socio-professional association, The Veterinarians College, Dr. Viorel Andronie, along with a group of interest, as it result from an answer remitted to the request of MEDIAFAX-2013, that dog owners would have to bear:
The president, Dr. Viorel Andronie, also specifies in the same declaration, the following:
- that “it’s known, though, that in rural areas are about 5 million dogs, because, since 2011, veterinarians issue free of charge the health books for them, with unique series and numbers.”
- “from the fee charged by veterinarians, a part goes to C.M.V. in order to cover the cost of R.E.C.S. realization and maintenance.”
“Currently, pet dogs’ microchipping is made only occasionally , especially in case that the owners want to transport them over the borders, when it’s mandatory. The tariffs for this service start from 40-50 lei, and could reach up to 300 lei” […], and for “the microchip scanners, the price varies between 250-3.000 Euro” – Said the C.M.V. President – MEDIAFAX.
The A.N.S.V.S.A. answer, on 51/24.02.2015 request, given by The General Director of The Sanitary-Veterinary Directorate, Disease Monitoring and Notification Service, Dr. Cristian Duicu:
“At the moment, the situation of dogs’ rabies vaccination is being written within The Animal Health Directorate - the Monitoring and Notification Service. “
“In A.N.S.V.S.A., within the Monitoring and Notification Service, is half-yearly and annually reported to The International Office of Epizootics the situation of dogs’ rabies vaccination, and the situation of foxes’ vaccination is reported to The European Commission, also half-yearly (31.07) and annually (30.04).”
The Epizootic Records (Rabies) are mandatory and free at the National Authority.
The invention of a national registry (dogs and cats) of C.M.V. as a S.R.L. to a socio-professional association that collects money, “vaining to a national and mandatory action to combat the diseases of plants and animals” is punished according to penal Code.
However, applying the R.E.C.S. Registry to The Veterinarians College through the 258/2013 law, Art. 13^3, Pct. 4 – without clearly specifying if it’s with or without payment, is abusive.
We mention that even “The agricultural register is free and mandatory” (sign V. V Ponta).
Vaccination of domestic carnivores (dogs and cats) “is mandatory and unconditioned”, being confirmed by the Constitutional Court’s decision.
We are going to emphasize in parenthesis the abusive and premeditated privatizations, used as blackmailing method of the free vaccination, forgetting the oath and the deontological code in which the health is in front of financial gain:
(at free negotiation, as in the market)
2. The value of the workmanship for the veterinarian’s activity,
(at free negotiation, at the sympathy of the client, but mandatory cashing, signing with C.M.V.-R.E.C.S., otherwise not being allowed to perform the rabies vaccination, even though you have conceded/ paid that territory)
3. The value of the health book,
(free issued until 2011. See the above declaration)
4. The costs for registration in database and its maintenance,
(it freely exists in Disease Monitoring and Notification Registry, and with money- the R.E.C.S.-S.R.L. invention, with dedication, without auction, worth about 800.000 Euro from dues or credit, in direct loss for the poor C.M.V. contributors colleagues, without adding the prejudice of the lost workmanship by the concessionaire in the last 4 years, of about 80 million Euro.)
5. The realization of the necessary forms,
(free form as part of the mandatory vaccination action, paid by the contributors.)
6. The depreciation of the microchip scanner with a price between 250-3.000 Euro.
(they have it in endowment according to the law 42/2004 in order to scan the microchip on horses, cattle, sheep, etc.)
Due to these abuses, in 2016 were registered/ vaccinated only 1.5 million of fogs. So about 20%, without calculating deaths and exports, from a total of 6.5 million of dogs in about 7.5 million households, according to I.N.S.
Being a huge number of dogs on the streets, free or semi-free, of the owners from the cities’ outskirts, who have contact with silvic rabies, the Constitutional Court’s decision is a significant win for animals and citizens protection.
If we also list the not made rabies vaccinations on cats, in a country with rabies, where 16.000 citizens have been treated as suspects of rabies virus infection, we get solid clues of abuse of service.
The R.E.A.D.C. motto:
Animals right without their owners right is cynicism.