Monitorizarea si Protectia Animalelor
Tierschutz Verein
The dogs are barking, the bear is passing, the rest is Bruxelles sprout
Meeting grade 0 in Brussels in 21.11.2018, about stray dogs from Romania.
0 results for animals and citizens
29-year-old of complains, of showing the suffering of dogs abandoned in the streets of Romania.
They all show the result of their breeding, but nobody shows real reasons, or the culprits, and a "State of permanent war"is created with stray dogs, State and the citizen, Europe and Romania, diaspora and the homeland, etc.
Among the guests there were and old political elements and „classical” activists, the same people we have personally informed in 2015 about "the attack on public health" and the exaggerated costs imposed on pet owners, although the rabies vaccine is free, paid by the Government and EU. Injury, corruption, abuse of position, it is understood.
All these elements and active entities have not reacted, although they had the political power to intervene and "the active instruments" in the country with sufficient donations. But it was not desirable.
Three elements emerged from the meetings of degree 0 matrix:
Mrs. Cristina Lapis said that Romania has the best sanitary veterinary laws!
We wonder if it's a mistake or manipulation, and weexplain:
She probably has in mindthe meetings in Brasov with LiviuHarbuz, former President of ANSVSA, Secretary of State, adviser of V.V. Ponta and vice president of CMV and Deputy of Neamțin the Romanian Parliament, where he issued the law because of which, according to Antena3, he is called the "Father of stray dogs", this fact involving:
- Conditioning the compulsory and free rabies vaccine receiving by microchipping for money in private system but the Constitutional Court of Romania declared the law unconstitutional after three years of fighting.
-the identification costs imposed to the owners by ANSVSA in payment in R.E.C.S.-RomPetID SRL, controlled by the position of Vice-President of CMV.
So "Another good law" that CCR has cancelled, and the same did Court of Appeal Cluj just because it harmed art. 34 of Constitution.
Our question addressed to Mrs. is simple: did you know or notabout these
If so, why haven't you intervened?
If you do not know, why do you express yourself in public in Brussels? As an expert in what?
Do you protect them directly as old partners and at UP?
Featuring the movie with the dog catcher FlaviuBărbulescu from BraşovCounty (quoteCodruțFeher, for which we thank him), you will not stop him to kill dogs. Their killing can only be stopped by final judicial sentence, as the R.E.A.D.C. project coordinator, Marin Bleidner, stated in plenum.
Element Duo
There were also invited some new associations from the country to explain in the UP, that us, Romania, quote: "area primitive people"
If the Romanians were a primitive people 78% would not opposed to euthanasia of dogs, but accepted it,as other countries developed and cultivated,as the country were the meeting took place. The quote that "Romania is corrupted" is to blame it on an abstract factor, in generalwithout nominating the corrupt individuals.
The corrupted people have names and surnames, positions, and may be held liable by final and irrevocable sentence, if they want the general good, because corruption begins since the formation of the law.
Dog catchers capture and charge, forward money back to the mayoralties, the authority supports them with abusive laws, and CMV is accomplice. They are all blackmailed prisoners of the captive system.
The only positive thing that was a real surprise is the professional way and knowledge of the representatives of Romania and ANSVSA, such as Iulia Cohen, who confirmed that there are competent personnel.
President of ANSVSA, Geronimo Brănescu, was invited but he did not honor this meeting in which they wantedto improve the animal situation because his presence would probably break the "Rendering Business", RECS-CMV SRL, billed illegal, unconstitutional, microchips, expired sera, paid from the budget, etc.
Justice will punish the corrupted people in the sentence which we fight to win, because the diversion of general interest shall be punished.
We complete with READC's motto:
Protection of animals without protection of pet owners is cynicism.
We thank in particular the Mr. Deputy in UP, SogorCsaba and his team, for accreditation on behalf of the 7 million owners of domestic carnivorous, like pensioners, elderly, disadvantaged or uninformed, who not have received in the past 4 years the rights guaranteed in the Constitution.